HIV POSITIVE  & Nutrition
Dry Mouth

Some of the medicines you take may cause you to have a dry mouth. Here are some ideas for moistening a dry mouth and a list of foods that are easy to swallow:

  • Drink mild beverages such as apple juice or punch throughout the day.

  • Suck on hard candy, especially sour candy. This will help keep your mouth wet.

  • Talk to your dentist or doctor. They can prescribe artificial saliva drops for you.

  • Avoid dry foods like crackers, toast or cookies. You may also try soaking them in milk or other liquids before eating.

  • Add gravy, creamy sauces or juice to your foods to moisten before eating.

  • Enjoy soups, casseroles and stews, oatmeal or other soft cereals, yogurt, pudding, applesauce and similar moist foods. They are all easy to swallow.

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