HIV POSITIVE  & Nutrition
Mouth Ulcers & Pain on Swallowing

Mouth Problems

Mouth problems, such as candidiasis (thrush), and eye problems are some of the signs of HIV infection. Your health care provider should check your mouth and eyes at each visit.

    Be sure to:

    • Tell your health care provider about changes in your eyes (blurry vision or infected eyes or eyelids) or mouth (sores, dryness, bleeding, difficulty swallowing, change in taste, pain, or loose teeth)

    • Visit a dentist at least twice a year or more often if mouth problems develop.

Your doctor can treat most of your HIV-related mouth and eye problems. Sometimes you may also need to see a special dentist or an eye doctor.

Mouth Ulcers & Pain on Swallowing

Your mouth and throat are some of the most sensitive areas of your body. An HIV infection can allow sores to develop there. These sores can make it hurt to chew or swallow and that makes it hard to eat.

Here are some tips to make eating easier for you:

  • Eat soft foods that are smooth in texture. Try mashed potatoes, yogurt, pudding, custards, oatmeal, cream of wheat, ice cream, applesauce, mashed banana, cream soups (Cream of Mushroom, Cream of Chicken, Cheddar Cheese).

  • Put your food in a blender to make it smooth.

  • Try baby food. It is smooth and easy to swallow, and comes in single serving containers.

  • Use a straw or drink your food from a cup instead of using a spoon.

  • Try tilting your head forward or back to make swallowing easier.

  • If you are able to handle some lumps, try scrambled eggs, cottage cheese, macaroni and cheese, baked fish, tuna salad, and canned fruits. Most stews, casseroles and hearty soups would be soft enough to eat, too.

  • Moisten your food to help it slide down. Cut meats up in small pieces and add gravy to them. Add gravy or cream sauces to vegetables before eating.

  • Soak dry foods in milk, coffee or other warm beverage before eating. This works well with toast, crackers, and cookies.
  • Do not eat spicy foods. They can sting your mouth.

  • Avoid rough or crunchy foods such as raw vegetables, apples Try cooked vegetables and soft fruits like bananas or canned pears instead.

  • Stay away from oranges grapefruit, tomatoes or their juice. They have a lot of acid and can cause your mouth to sting.

  • Avoid very hot foods and beverages. Cold and room temperature foods will be more comfortable to your mouth. If really cold foods feel good, try adding ice to milk and other beverages to make them extra cold. Try eating a lot of ice cream, sherbet or popsicles to numb some of the pain.

  • Rinse your mouth whenever you feel you need it. This can moisten your mouth, remove bits of food, and give it a fresher taste.

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