HIV POSITIVE  & Nutrition
Nausea & Vomiting

Nausea may be caused by the medicines you are taking or by infections in your body. These are some ideas to try when you have nausea.

  • Don't skip meals. No only does your body need food, but skipping meals will probably make you feel even worse.

  • Eat small amounts of food real often during the day. Try watching the clock and eating something every 2 to 3 hours. Eat more food at times of the day when you feel good.

  • Don't eat your favorite foods when you are nauseated. This could cause you to be "turned off" by them later.

  • Eat salty foods, avoid very sweet foods.

  • Eat dry foods such as toast, crackers or dry cereals right from the box. This is especially good to do soon after waking up in the morning.

  • Plain, simple foods are best to eat now. Try these: soups, puddings and custards, ice cream, rice, macaroni, noodles, toast, yogurt, soft-cooked eggs, cream of wheat farina, oatmeal, bananas, canned fruit, mashed potatoes, crackers, cottage cheese and fruit, eggs.

  • Stay away from fried and greasy foods. Use only small amounts of margarine, butter, cream or oil in your food.

  • Do not drink liquids at the same time that you eat your meals. Drink them 30 - 60 minutes before or after eating.

  • Sometimes just the smell of food can make you feel sick. Open the windows for some fresh air. Avoid making foods that will produce a strong smell in your home, like brewing coffee, frying meats or fish, or cooking spaghetti sauce or chili.

  • Do not lie down flat for at least 2 hours after eating. If you wish to rest, sit down. If you must lay down after eating, prop your head up at least 4 inches higher than your feet.

  • Some medicines cause nausea. If possible, take them at a time of day when nausea will not interfere with meals.

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